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Holistic Wellness and Acupuncture

M.G. – Upper Marlboro, MD

Marcie came into my life when my beloved Lab Elmo became increasingly weak in his hind legs. Vets could offer no cause or therapy for his condition.  Elmo was 11 at the time with a lot of life still in him, and I was desperate to find help for him. While at a natural pet food store looking at supplements it was suggested that acupuncture might be the way to go. At our first appointment with the needles in place and Elmo comfortably relaxing Marcie suggested supplements, dietary, and lifestyle changes that would slow the progression of his condition.  Elmo was able to walk on his own power to the car with no falls! I was convinced and amazed! We continued to see Marcie once a week for four years. These were quality years that we wouldn’t have had without Marcie’s care. I’m forever indebted not only for her care of Elmo but for the emotional support she offered to me.

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